Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Hello there!

From where I left off.. Ry and I jacked Megan and John's Honda and drove from S.D. to L.A. to visit Daniel and Sarah.

After snacking on some pre-Thanksgiving leftovers for lunch we drove  to the beach to take part in some sunset bocci ball:

Ryan busted out his hidden Bocci talent and no matter what partner combination we created, whoever was with the Ryonator dominated. From the beach we head to Korean BBQ (something we Chicoans lack) Engaging and simply delicious. 

A classic groot evening (after watching the Sing off!!!) is a good game of cards. A game that has been running rampant in our family as of late is hand-and-foot. I feel like it's adult go-fish, and fun, probably because Sarah and I easily won three games in a row.. a good pick-me-up after bocci losses. 
Hanging with family like this makes me so excited for THAILAND that's coming in a month!! Beach card games right around the corner. 

The next morning we were served lovely omelettes and sent off for another 8 hour drive.. up to celebrate Thanksgiving with the famfam... But I'll save that for maybe tomorrow..



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