Friday, January 28, 2011

Out into Wild blue yonder!!

She's packed her bags...
 she's ready to go..

Somehow in the last week my good friend, Lys, has fit all her belongings:

Into this compact pack:

Okay that's a lie. She's moved all her precious belongings into a barn. But she's got 4 weeks worth of food in that bag, and probably some type of pick axe. 
Look at where she's moving to: 

This is a future pic of Lys. There's a crowd of highly jealous people sending her off her in Chico..
I hope she has everything necessary for this exciting venture. I'm scared to get a call in a week asking to replenish her TP.. but I guess she's learning to use nature to it's fullest, and Lys uses her resources better than most I know. 

So Cheers Lys!! Here's to a fabulous time in the snow and in your little igloo. May your layers keep you warm, and your pack feel light, and may your dehydrated meals fill your tummmy oh-so-full. :) Love you and praying for you!

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