Monday, March 25, 2013

What? A post, no way.Naomi hasn't posted for months!

I know, that's what I'm saying to myself right now. On a Monday night, you gotta be kidding me. I better quickly post before I kick myself for doing it. 
Life is a little packed to say the least. A juggling act. I did enjoy trying to catch up during Spring Break last week. 

A few snapshots of highlights from these last two months: 

Moki's B-day!

Meg's came down for the Bidwell Classic and Caitlin came up. I like to be centrally located. Lys you just need to scoot over a little more westard.. :) 

Visits from Ky. Ry's a cheater.

Trip to Table Top Mountain. Spring Break. Takaya~ our friends dog.


Date trip to IKEA. (our first visit)

Allergy Season... If only I could sport this while I teach...

Need I say more? As you can see, we find little moments for some extra-curricular. This is my last breath before I plunge into these last few months! Here I go. I miss you all and I  miss "journaling" via blog. Se la vie!
Blessing friends and fam, 
