Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Another busy weekend~ I love it! Still adjusting to the summer schedule and trying to make sure to set up some summer goals for myself in the little gaps of free time between work and play. 

This weekend, my Gramps (gung gung) stopped by during a quick norcal trip he was taking. It's always fun to have family stop by so we can give them a glimpse of our Chico life. We took him to the bustling farmer's market and our favorite thai joint ~Sophias~ to catch up on life. 

Alyssa also came back into town- which is always a joy for us chicoans. One her fun projects was to clear out her storage unit while she was here. It was like going through the details of a scrapbook with pieces of sentimental this and that. we even were trying on winter clothes in the 100 degree weather~ bonding at it finest. 

The next day our main event was biking to the Chico Bicycle Music Festival held in Bidwell Park. Everyone meets downtown with their bikes and does a huge biking caravan to the park where food, games, and music is set up. They even use stationary bikes to power the sound equipment~ you can see Alyssa contributing below. 

Here's a clip from one of the bands--Mamuse-- just to give you a taste of the atmosphere. Beautiful vocals:

Hope you're having a great summer. 
Catch me up on what you're doing! Do you have any summer goals?


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